The L word, season 3The L word, season 3

The third season aired for the first time on January 8, 2006.

The storyline is set six months after the birth of Angelica (Tina and Bette’s daughter). Tina‘s and Bette‘s relationship as a couple finally ends when Tina begins a heterosexual relationship on episode 10. The break-up between the two leads them to a huge fight over Angelica’s custody.

Two new characters show up in this season :

  • Moira Sweeney is a “butch”. She is Jenny’s girlfriend for most of the season. Later starts the process of transitioning from female to male, switching his name to Max
  •  Angus Partridge, Angelica’s male nanny who later becomes Kit’s lover.

Shane and Carmen‘s relationship (begun in season 2) leads Carmen to face her family and reveal her homosexuality to them in episode 3. 

At the beginning of the season, Alice and Dana‘s relationship has ended and Alice is having a hard time dealing with it. Dana is back with Lara, and is later found to have cancer and ultimately dies in episode 10 of a heart failure. This death triggers Shane to ask Carmen to marry her in the following episode. Carmen agrees, but in the season finale Shane does not show up to the ceremony…

Helena‘s character storyline is switched from being Bette’s rival into a new member of the circle of friends. During episode 01 she buys a film studio, and later in the series Tina starts to work for her. Further in the season, Helena meets a documentary producer with whom she has an affair : Dylan Moreland. A sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Dylan during episode 09, along with Helena’s prodigal behavior puts her family business in jeopardy. During the last episode her mother decides to cut her off financially.

Throughout this season, each episode begins with a short pre-credits vignette of two individuals meeting romantically or sexually. As the season progresses lines from Alice’s chart  connect one member of each vignette with a new individual in the next. Beginning in the early 1970s with a housewife named Marilyn, these connections eventually wind through several of the series main characters showing scenes of their earlier lives until it ends with Lara, alone in Paris.

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